Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jerry Bentley Quote

"Large conversions only took place when powerful political, social or economic incentives encouraged it and even then it led universally to syncretism rather than outright adoption of foreign cultural tradition."
The quote is for the most part very accurate। Most powerful religions eventually spread and syncretized throughout other areas. Christianity in the western world spread vastly through Europe and through some parts of Africa and western Asia. Through the very powerful Roman government republic, or through the large amount of slaves that took up most of the Roman population, or through Rome's agricultural advancements to have an increased economy, Christianity was able to syncretize to large areas through Rome and the rest of the European area. Also, Buddhism spread greatly through India and north into China and other parts of Asia. India at the time of Buddhisms' spreading, had a powerful government and economy, as the Romans did during Christianity spreading. Along with Christianity, Buddhism spread through India and Asia by missionairies converting people to Buddhism, as they had in Christianity. During Asoka's reign in India, he had ruled for a large part with Buddhism. He sent Buddhist missionaries into India and Asia, converting people to Buddhism. Both of the syncretisms of Christianity and Buddhism occured with powerful empires with great political, social, and economic systems.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

World History 12/18

Today in class we took our multiple choice quizzes on Ancient Greece. We learned most of the material about Greece in our Global classes which made the quiz seem not as hard. I think that i can also use a lot of the material from Global in my Greece take home paragraph.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

World History 12/14

Today in class we discussed the homework that we had in the text book. Also, we briefly discussed an overview of the quiz that we have on tuesday. We read a seperate section of a Peter Sterns writing. We answered questions on Alexander the Great and his conquest of Europe and the Middle East. Followed by his death and a period of chaos and confusion in his empire, the Hellenistic Age.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

AP World history, 12/5/07

Today we briefly discussed our homework, which was to read pages in the text book about Greece and answer questions. Greece was linked to todays class as we watched a video comparing and contrasting the two civilizations in Greece of Athens and Sparta. Athens and Sparta are very different in the roles of women. Women are much more powerful and higher on the social status in Sparta rather than in Athena, where women are lower on the social class and is considered a disgrace if women are seen or heard. Today we also got back our world history notebooks, and our paragraph/quiz. I was happy with my quiz grade, but not with my binder grade.